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income per person中文是什么意思

用"income per person"造句"income per person"怎么读"income per person" in a sentence


  • 人均收入


  • And this sustained the increase year after year in income per person
  • In an economy where income per person used to rise by barely 1 % a year , today ' s growth rates feel like a miracle
    在这个人均收入年上升率仅为1 %的经济中,目前的经济增长率已经被视为是奇迹了。
  • If the chinese economy continues to grow at the present rate , by 2031 income per person will equal that in the us in 2004
  • Another analysis predicts that kenya ' s gdp will be 14 . 5 % smaller in 2005 that it would have been without aids , and that income per person will be 10 % lower
    另一分析家预测肯尼亚的gdp的增长将会比2005之前没有受到艾滋病影响而低于14 . 5 % ,人均收入将降低10 % 。
  • Looking back , an asian development bank review of the five countries most affected ? thailand , indonesia , malaysia , south korea and the philippines ? found that incomes per person had all recovered to at least their levels before 1997
    回顾过去,一份由亚洲发展银行出版的关于影响最深的五个国家的报告? -泰国、印尼、马来西亚、韩国和菲律- - -报告发现人均收入至少已恢复至1997年的水平。
  • It is guessed on basis of the above references that financial market was born from division of labor and , conversely , can promote division of labor . detailedly speaking , financial market can reduce social transaction cost , make division of labor profitable , accelerate social production rate , speed economic development and increase average income per person
  • Contrast to traditional economics , it is considered the most essential impetus to the formation of financial market and the mechanism of financial market to expedite social economic development to reduce social transaction cost , promote division of labor , accelerate social production rate , speed economic development and increase average income per person
  • According to the relationship between the economic development ( displayed by average income per person ) and environmental quality shown by the environmental kuznets curve ( eks ) , the latter would be deteriorated with the increase of income then improved when it reaches certain standard . there have been many scholars who have already made empirical researches of the curve
    环境库兹涅茨曲线( ekc )表示了经济发展(用人均收入表示)与环境质量的关系,认为环境质量先随着人均收入的提高而恶化,在一定阶段后又会随着人均收入的增加而改善,有很多学者专门对此曲线进行了实证研究。
  • The special practical meaning of this article is as follows . based on the necessary conditions for a effective financial market , it is pointed out that the so - called financial market under the plan economy which was established by the interruption of government is unlikely to reduce social transaction cost , promote division of labor , accelerate social production rate , speed economic development and increase average income per person , therefore , the original function of financial market can not be achieved
    本文的特殊实践意义在于,结合若干金融市场的有效性条件,指出在计划经济体制下由政府干预组成的所谓“金融市场” ,很可能起不到上述的降低交易成本、促进社会分工,进而提高社会生产率、提高社会人均收入的作用或收效甚微,失去金融市场之原本功能。
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